Monday, June 7, 2010


Over the months the wine shop has been on the market, I've made a half-assed effort of preparing for a fictional handoff. This week, with a real life handoff looming, my effort has become full-assed.

It's daunting the amount of work there is to do for a potential closing late this week or early next (don't know for sure), beginning with removing things from the store that don't belong here, like our sailing stuff in the back room. (Is an anchor in the back room bad Feng Shui?) And that little sailboat on the top shelf that belongs to our Mr. Fix-It, one of the many small things that accumulate over the years.

Then there is the information handoff, vendor lists, advertising contacts, phone numbers. What files do we have to keep? Which ones do we have to leave for the new owners? Which ones can just be tossed, because they are of no use to anyone? Why did I keep so much irrelevant paper?

Details, details. Who pays what portion of advertising for the year? What outstanding gift certificates are out there? How do you hand over a website and a Facebook page?

Why didn't I figure this out a long time ago?

Lack of faith, perhaps?

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