Sunday, July 5, 2009


We were running around like Abbott and Costello this morning, trying to get the boat ready to be seen. Yes! Somebody's coming to see her this week.

We started with the trim on the teak-frame screens I made for the cabin, oh, about five years ago. I know, that completion thing. I actually tried several times to finish the trim, each time cutting the carefully prepared wood WRONG -- and short.

This morning's effort went only slightly better. Just before we made the first cut, I remembered how I went so far wrong last time and rescued us at the last second. We had only one extension cord, and needed two different drill bits, so there was a lot of shuffling, re-plugging and switching bits. On the last piece, I realized we didn't have enough wood. We pieced it -- badly. The jeeter meter was pinging, but we got it trimmed and I glued in the plugs. Just let it go. Let it go.

Then I turned my attention to the decks Chip saw in that photo yesterday. He was right. They looked awful, black in some spots, green in others. We clearly didn't have time to paint them before showing the boat, so I spent about 2 1/2 hours peeling off miles of blue tape and then scrubbing the decks with a combo of bleach, Wisk and TSP. Swab, swab, scrub, scrub, rinse, rinse. All in the rain.

At one point I came zooming from the side deck into the cockpit, stepped on the freshly fiberglassed spot and had a quick lesson in why "glass" is in the name. A total bust. Ouch.

However, the decks look marvelous.

Now, I have to finish the plugs, put a coat of varnish on the garage and drop boards. Chip will put the garage back on the boat, and we'll be ready for a showing.

--We got to see my friend and former colleague Dan Froomkin tonight! We also met his awesome wife Paige and their absolutely adorable son, Max. Since I'm posting this retroactively, I won't be scooping anyone by saying congrats, Dan on the new gig at Huff Post!

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